Monday, June 7th was my first day back to work since the 2 days before Noah was born. I can truly say that leaving him is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I did wait until I got back out to the truck to cry although I got most of it out the day before. I'm still not so sure about the whole ordeal of someone else watching my child. I'd much rather be doing it myself.
I have already had to leave work early to pick up Noah. The daycare called me on Thursday 20 minutes before I was about to get off and said he had a fever. They said he had been kind of fussy that afternoon so they took his temperature. It was 99.6 by their reading and they said you have to add a degree if taken under the arm. That made it 100.6 and their cutoff is 100.4. He looked fine to me when I got there. We went straight home which is less than 5 minutes away and I checked his temperature. NO FEVER! I took it using 2 different thermometers and the highest I got a 99.2 and a 99.3. I went ahead and fed him because it was time for him to eat and right after he pooped (which is probably why he was fussy). I went ahead and took him to Direct Care since the pediatrician's office was closed by then and the doctor said he was fine. He wondered if the daycare took his temp while he was fussy as that may make it go up. He gave me a note so I could take Noah back to daycare on Friday. I knew nothing was wrong with him but he couldn't go back to daycare unless he was "fever" free for 24 hours or had a note from the doc saying he was ok. Seeing how it was my first week back to work, it was either go to the doctor or Brian or I would have to take off of work. On Friday, the director of the daycare said that she was not there when they took his temp so she didn't know if he was fussy or not. I told her that he never had a fever and if he had, it wouldn't have gone down in that short amount of time from work to home. I also told her that in the future, if they are going to take his temp, to use the thermometer in his bag, as it has a memory recall of the last temp, so I can see for myself what the temp is. I will also recheck it myself when I get there. Needless to say, I'm out $30 but Noah is ok.
P.S. Work still sucks as much as it did before I left for maternity leave.