Monday, July 13, 2009

Air and Hot Air Balloon Show

On Saturday, Brian and I attended the Great Texas Balloon Race. We enjoyed an air show as well as a hot air balloon show. It was blazing hot when we got there but it did cool down as the sun went down. I had never seen hot air balloons up close before and have wanted to attend this event for several years now so this was a real experience for me. We didn't get into bed until 1 am after watching this show and then I had to get up for work at 5 am but my lack of sleep was well worth the experience.

Parachuter with the Texas flag.

Blowing up the balloon.

Balloon glowing and flying with the American flag waving.

Fire glow.

If you ever watch The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, the other members of the show refer to Conan as Coco. This balloon reminded Brian of that as the name on the balloon is Coco. I think I may send this picture to Conan.

Ready, Set, Glow!

This balloon cracked me up!

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